Keeping trees trimmed
Trees that grow too close to power lines can become a dangerous hazard, especially for children who might like to climb them.
Branches can break and fall on to lines, especially during high winds and storms, putting public safety and property at risk as well as interrupting power supply. By working with you, Wellington Electricity can help you avoid this safety risk and help reduce the chances of a loss of you and your neighbours’ power supply.
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Electrical equipment on private property
While most of our equipment is located in the road/rail reserve or on land owned by us, some of it is on private property.
This includes the likes of lines, cables, poles and substations. Both Wellington Electricity and landowners/occupiers have various rights in relation to these assets.
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Load control
During times of peak demand, our control room might 'shed load' if we need to or if Transpower, New Zealand's power System Operator, asks us to.
This helps prevent our network (and in some cases, the National Grid) from becoming overloaded. In short, it keeps the power on.
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