Smarter Power > About

Your electricity bill

Wherever you are in Aotearoa, you'll receive a power bill from your electricity retailer. The average bill is made up of the following costs:



We combine Transpower's transmission charges (the cost of running the National Grid) with our charges (distribution charges) to make up lines charges, which retailers then re-package with their own and third-party costs.

This diagram is specific to our network. For more information, see our Pricing pages. 

See how it all connects

Check out this helpful video from the Electricity Authority, which takes you on your electricity's journey from generation to distribution, illustrating how each step along the way contributes to your power bill.


Keeping your bill down

Check out our Money Saving Calculator to see how much you could save on your power bill.

We've also compiled a list of resources that provide further savings tips.


Consumer NZ’s Powerswitch can help too.
It’s a free and independent energy price comparison site:

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